Scarlet's Birth Story | Wisconsin Birth Photographer

May 01, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

As I reflect back to the long winter that we had this year and the renewal of spring, I think about all the birth families that I have gotten to serve this year so far. I've been witness to some of the most unique birth experiences, both in the home and in the hospital. The process of birth has the ability to break us down so that it can renew us on an inner level. That process looks different for everyone and each person's experience is their own. Birth is raw. It can be messy. It's destructive. But in order to grow, some things must be destroyed first and through that deep exploration and destruction of our inner self we get to feel the joy and happiness of being able to know a new, untouched part of ourselves.

A Birth Story from Katie Hall Photography on Vimeo.

Tracy and Tj's birth plan could not have gone more opposite than how they had intended, but it was how the dealt with it that showed their resilience and strength and ultimately their love for each other.

When Tracy's labor started it had a rhythm all its own. Tracy breathed through each contraction as it came for several days. She met each one with openness and the excitement that comes with the anticipation of meeting your baby for the the first time. She went in for a prenatal visit with her midwife and to everyone's surprise was much closer than anticipated to meeting this new little soul. So close that it seemed a drive back home would probably be longer than the remainder of her labor. A birth space was prepared for them, baby was monitored and Tracy was given the time to relax and go inward. She continued to meet contractions for several hours with the generous and compassionate care of her husband and midwives. Baby was strong. Mama was strong. Back rubs, leg rubs, breathy pushes encouraged Tracy to follow a desire to go deeper within herself.

Despite their best intentions for a home delivery, it was apparent that baby might need some additional assistance with her grand entrance. There were a few moments of shattered hopes shared among the room, but what shined above all else was the acceptance of this natural flow by Tracy and Tj. They moved past resistance and reluctance and found yet another part of their inner selves. The transfer to the hospital was seamless. Filled with love and respect for this family. Their midwives stayed by their side as the hospital staff confirmed what that afternoon and previous few days of labor had been slowly building up to. Baby was in a unique position and despite every best effort, had no intention of moving. Tracy and Tj, faced with yet another detour from their original plan, but moved through their resistance and agreed to a cesarean birth; which both agreed later ended up being a blessing.

Through all the chaos and destruction of their birth plan, came this beautiful little soul. A little reminder of the strength and love that her parents share. It is without a doubt that this little one will grow to know love, courage, and kindness. Congratulations to one amazing family! Thank you so much for inviting me along for your journey. You rocked it! Much Love, ~Katie 

If you would like your birth story documented, please email me at: 
[email protected]

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